Twin Souls & The Lessons of Loneliness

Posted By Ara on Feb 12, 2016

Maybe it is only after great separation and longing that we are able to fully see and appreciate. Maybe that's why the lovers clay is divided. Maybe in finding that individual perspective separate of the other, in becoming whole into one's own truth and loving the very fabric of one's own being we become all that we need.

This is YOUR unfolding right now. These are your lessons, your truths and your perspectives that are shifting within you. This is powerful, life changing and potent, if you are present with it. These shifts aren't just for a few people who are tuned to it, everyone to some degree or another has been feeling this massive shift, they've just been embodying it different.



Winter's Song

Posted By Ara on Feb 09, 2016

She is as wild as the night that surrounds her A shadow woven in darkness Etched with the faintest starshine Like the evergreen branches tipped in silver moonlight That play Winter's silent song on their boughs Companion to the howl of the wolf That calls in her blood She is the emerald fire painted in the heavens Dancing in waves and ribbons in the sky She is a blade of ice and truth Storm clo

Giving Yourself Away

Posted By Ara on Feb 09, 2016

Where is the line in the sand between giving with your heart and giving everything away? At what point did we lose sight of our boundaries and our needs? When did it become ok to give without ever getting in return? Are we taught that only "good" people give and so we strive to be "good" and expect no reciprocation, because wanting is greedy?

To The Sister Who Will Not Bend

Posted By Ara on Feb 05, 2016

To the sister who will not bend; who will not bow, scrape or break. To the Goddesses in bodices who will not sell one another out but help one another rise Who will not copy, steal or imitate their greatness but cultivate their own Knowing that only she can midwife her mystery into being And the world is starving for her magic.

Trusting in Allowing

Posted By Ara on Feb 04, 2016

"My daughter," the Goddess said. "The sooner we release the grip on what is no longer serving us, what no longer fits and what is no longer in alignment with our highest good, the sooner what is meant for us can flow into our world.

Speaking Your Truth In Relationships

Posted By Ara on Feb 02, 2016

Sometimes it can be hard to speak our truth, especially to those closest to us. To be able to open up and be vulnerable with those around us can be very challenging for many of us. We don't want to feel exposed, silly or stupid. And yet it can be one of our deepest longings even if it scares us to death.

One of the greatest lessons and challenges some of us have in this lifetime can be in allowing feelings to be expressed to ourselves and to others. We can come to a place where we worry that we will come across silly or insignificant and we don't want to expose ourselves to this vulnerable place, that someone would make our feelings small and unimportant.