Sometimes it can be hard to speak our truth, especially to those closest to us.

To be able to open up and be vulnerable with those around us can be very challenging for many of us. We don't want to feel exposed, silly or stupid. And yet it can be one of our deepest longings even if it scares us to death.

Many of us have been in places before where we have been left feeling ridiculed or insignificant because of something that we have said or we feel like our timing is off and we should have kept our mouths shut. This is especially hurtful if you were sharing feelings. This can leave people not wanting to share, closing off and shutting down.

Well I won't say anything again, you say. I'll keep it to myself next time. Why bother opening up at all?

When we shut down our lines of communication it creates a huge block within us.

We feel tension inside, we start to embody these blockages, we become irritable, we can even get sick (I knew a woman that manifested thyroid issues and I swear it had a lot to do with her inability to speak her truth for so many years.)

We're not meant to shut down like that. We're relationship based beings and we're meant to share.


What can we do?

First, we need to focus on us.

When we focus on ourselves, we bring a whole person to the relationship who knows their truth and knows their worth. It's not meant as an insult to anyone but we're the only one's that can make us 100% happy. It's our job.

Our purpose on this planet isn't to be the deciding factor for anyone else to be happy. I know, it's not what Hollywood sells us, but it's an inside job.

So why does making yourself happy make speaking your truth easier?

When you love yourself and you're coming from a place rooted in your truth, not only will you not be able to keep your mouth closed if you want to say something, you will be coming from an authentic place.

Could there be anything better?


Tap Into How We Are Feeling

To be authentic in relationships, we need to be conscious on how we are feeling.

There can be a lot that rises during our evolution on this planet. Some of it is sticky spots that we need to face first within ourselves before we bring it externally.

The feelings and emotions that are present within us give us a really good spotlight on what is here for us and the messages that they bring.

We need to step into a place of allowing with ourselves and seeing what is rising for us. Is this something that we need to do some shadow work or deep diving into, this is all us. This is something we need to check into in a way that helps us get to the bottom of what's going on. Or it can be as simple as looking to how we feel and noticing that certain patterns or beliefs are present.

Dig into why you are feeling like this. How long has this been going on? Is this something that has been growing? Or is it 10 different things rolled into one? Is this showing a mirror to something that is your work and not that of another?

Look at the fear that rises if your voice become stuck. What are you afraid of? This can point us to blocks within ourselves that need to be looked at as well. This can also point to an off pairing with another. You should never be afraid to speak your mind or your heart. If you fear others reactions, it may be time to let them go.

Our feelings are powerful messengers and they aid us in tapping into the truth in the moment as a potent indicator.


If it's all my job, why do I need to share with others?

Sometimes there seems to be a belief that in order to fit into the place of being conscious in relationships we need to focus solely within and come from a place of not telling others how we are feeling because everything is our own work.

This is true, our vibration is our responsibility. However, those around us are not mind readers. They don't hold the same unique perspective that you do and they likely don't know 100% how you are feeling.

So opening up can really help to bring them into your perspective and give them insight into your inner workings.

Also, if we have let something go for a long period of time, they may have no idea how much something bothers us. When we begin to dig deeper and grow on our path, things are illuminated and change as to what we will and won't allow and these are very important to vocalize.


Things To Think About

  • You have every right to be heard. Do you know this to be truth?
  • Are you speaking when you are grounded and coming from a place of calm and not anger?
  • How will you feel if you don't speak this? What if it was locked away forever?
  • Surrender and vulnerability require trust. Do you have trust with those you wish to share with?
  • There should never be a wrong time to speak your truth or your heart. Yes, others may be in a different place so it may take some time for them to digest it, but you should never feel like you were wrong for opening up. Have you been made to feel in your life like your timing is always off and you're the one to blame for how someone received you?
  • Are you willing to keep on being unheard or might it be time to step away from the relationship?

Remember, you are worthy of healthy, happy, conscious and authentic relationships and you deserve to be able to express your truth. You shouldn't have to hide your feelings or who you are.

In the end, you need to honor your truth and your voice. If you don't speak it, who will?

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C. Ara Campbell

C. Ara Campbell is a visionary writer, soul guide, cosmic channel, teacher, artist, empath, womb keeper and the founder of The Goddess Circle. She is dedicated to the awakening feminine, living embodied truth and aiding others in connecting with their medicine. She is an old soul that has been writing and channeling guidance from the unseen world since she was young, intuitively soul coaching and empowering using spiritual and natural energies.
