Sacred Woman, You Deserve Sacred Love
I am SO excited to announce my upcoming Relationship Empowerment & Sacred Love Course.
As women, we are constantly made to feel that there is something wrong with us when it comes to relationships. We feel too much. We think too much. We say too much. We go too deep.
I got so tired with the information out there that teaches women that WE need to do something in order to attract a partner, that we need to be someone different than we already are. That we should learn tricks and games in order to snag and keep love or that WE need to be different in order to be worthy of soul deep love.
Maybe that’s why so many of us are aching; this old paradigm doesn’t work.
Our wounds and fears are being exploited in our relationships and in the media. And it needs to stop.
The time for conscious relationships is here and it begins with our own foundations and reclaiming of our power. During this 3 week online journey, we look at stripping away old limiting and negative beliefs, empowerment and opening to a deeper connection with ourselves, our truth and our partner, whether they are here or still on the path towards us. We dive deeper into our wounds, our blocks and into our deep fears in order to heal and open to the love we seek internally and externally. We reclaim our courage and empower our hearts moving forward to accept nothing less than soul deep love.
Sisters, it’s time to stop listening to the old diatribe that we love too deep or feel too much. Join my 3 week journey and reclaim your sacred heart and open to the love you are deserving of.
During this journey we look at boundaries, breaking free from settling, self worth, releasing blocks to intimacy, cutting cords, opening to deeper connection, dealing with the wounds of others, unhealthy relationships and our bodies, honoring our truth, sexuality, Goddess work and so much more!
Are you ready to reclaim your sacred heart and empower yourself for soul deep relationships? Are you tired of settling for less than soul deep love? Are you ready to break up with accepting less and open to authentic love? In this 3 week online program, we shed toxic and unhealthy relationship patterns and beliefs as we heal, open and invite in the relationships that we are desiring. We are soul deep women and we deserve soul deep love. The time has come to release the relationship patterns that are no longer serving us and open to the relationships that are meant for us.
Join me and sisters from around the world for this revolutionary online event to empower and transform your relationships.
I look forward to sitting with you in sacred circle and journeying with you on this powerful path.

Your Guide on this Journey
C. Ara Campbell - The Goddess Circle
C. Ara Campbell is a visionary writer, soul guide, cosmic channel, artist, facilitator of The Inner Priestess Awakening Online Program and the Relationship Empowerment & Sacred Love Journey, author of The Astro Forecast, and the founder of The Goddess Circle. Ara is a modern-day mystic that channels guidance using spiritual, cosmic and natural energies. Dedicated to the rising feminine, to living embodied truth, connecting others with their gifts and healing using the natural world, she can often be found seeking wisdom and solace in the wilds of Mother Earth.
During this Sacred Journey
You Will Be Supported By:
- Instant access to 21 units of practices, rituals, affirmations, & inspirations
- Podcasts with Ara (plus podcast transcripts)
- Guided meditation journeys with Lilith, Inanna, & Hera (plus transcripts)
- Sacred Love drawing ritual
- Private optional Facebook temple for connection and support with course sisters
- Much, much more
**All content is always accessible. There is no rush to complete. Facebook group remains open after the course is completed for continued connection and healing.**

This Offering is For
Sisters Who Want To
- Stop settling for less than they deserve in relationships
- Stop being alone and unsupported
- Let go of wounds and beliefs that no longer serve them
- Speak their truth in relationships
- Connect with their heart longing
- Connect deeper with self worth
- Find courage and strength
- Reclaim their passions
- Gain empowerment
- Set boundaries
- Stop being taken advantage of
- Open to deeper intimacy
- Change & rewrite their own story
- Let go of unhealthy connections

Some Practices and Rituals That
Will Support Your Journey Include
- Guided Meditation with Lilith
- Releasing what no longer serves us
- Examining gaslighting and unhealthy behavior
- Healing & breaking away from narcissists
- Cutting cords & closing energy portals
- Breaking free from settling
- Guided meditation with Inanna
- Facing our wounds & fears
- Healing our self worth
- Expressing fierce feeling with Kali
- Connecting with our passion
- Guided meditation with Hera
- New Moon podcast & rituals
- Relationship ritual
- Self love ritual
- Podcast deep dives
- Much, much more!

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be in a relationship to join this course?
Not at all. You can be single, separated, or in a relationship. At any stage during our connections with others we may feel the need to take a step back and dive deeper into healing and empowerment.
Is the Program completely online?
YES! The Relationship Empowerment & Sacred Love program is an online journey that was designed to have a global reach and bring sisters together from across the world in order to empower, heal and reclaim deeper relationships in our lives. It is a fusion of self study practices, goddess work, rituals, and facilitated podcasts in a safe and sacred container of sisterhood.
Do I need a computer in order to participate?
No, you don’t need to have a computer to join the program! You will be able to receive, read, download and participate solely through your smartphone or iPad, so you don’t need to have a desktop or laptop device! Any device you are able to connect to the internet will work for you.
Is the Relationship Empowerment & Sacred Love program right for me?
This journey is a deep dive into empowering ourselves and reclaiming deeper connection, with ourselves and others. This is a path of releasing old beliefs and stories as we heal our souls. This is a journey of breaking away from the paradigms of the past which teach us that we need to be something other than what we are in order to be worthy of love. This is a call to reclaim our hearts and ourselves. In previous circles, we have had sisters that were from all walks of life, background, and beliefs who sat together in sacred circle. There is something for everyone in this deep dive.
“You are holy ground. Only let in those who honor your divine temple.” ~Ara
“My sister, never forget that you’re a soul deep woman and you won’t find a worthy love in the shallows.”

“It was with this course, I uncovered and began to heal some deep wounding. Psychic attacks, negative and draining relationships had become normal for me to the point of physical health problems. I’m a powerful woman, but this circle of sisters made me empowered and woke me up from a slumber I’d fallen into for a very, very long time. Eternally grateful and can’t wait for the next one.” —Sarah Kelly, Mazeylotus
“I will not lie and say that my life has changed overnight since taking the course. I am a fearful person at heart, always trying to please others, and radical change from one day to the next is difficult for me. Change will take the time it takes, but change will come, of that I am sure. I have received confirmation that I am worthy of asking for and receiving a life and partner that will allow me to flourish in all aspects of my life. I do not have to settle for what I believed I deserved. I deserve to be seen, paid attention to and loved. I no longer want to be someone’s option. I’m gathering my strength for what needs to be done. Thank you Ara for the tools, guidance and reassurance. Thank you to the Circle of women for their support over the last three weeks. Light and blessings to you all.” —W.L.
“I am deeply grateful for the love and truth Ara brings to all the work she does. Her spirit speaks to me on a deep level of truth. Thank you for having the courage and self love to step into being fully heard.” —Veronica
“I have been following you for some time now and finally decided to start the 3-week Relationship & Sacred Love journey and glad I did. Very empowering! You are amazing Ara. Thank you.” —M.Y.
“Hi Ara, I just wanted to thank you again for the course. I don’t know if the Relationship Empowerment course was the reason, but it turned out that just over 1 month after completing it, I started dating an old friend that I had just been seeing casually and never had considered as “boyfriend” potential. Somehow during the course, I wrote quite a few things down about what I was looking for in a relationship and it turns out all of it describes him. We are now in a really nice place together, where everything flows naturally. I got pregnant really fast and we are both super happy about it. It just feels right. So I don’t know if you directly have anything to do with it, but on the other hand, when I re-read the course material and the stuff I wrote, it just fits perfectly. As if everything was just waiting to fall into place. So thanks again for a wonderful course.” —J.K.
“Thank you so much for putting this course together. It was truly an awakening for me, who at 54 years old felt as if I wasn’t worthy of love, that I was too old, and many other self-doubts. Thank you Ara! Goddess Blessings. It was excellent! Thank you!” —Twyla
“I feel really good and happy with this course. It has been very empowering and I do think that everything that could have been explained about this great subject has been shared with us by Ara. I loved it and I will share it with my sisters. Thank you, it was really good. I will recommend it.” —Carole
“Ara you are an amazing priestess and I am honored to follow you, walk with you and share your words with those I hold close to my heart. I was very impressed with the ease of it, the way each day was given and honored who we all are and what we’ve all been through and how we are all rising above. I don’t think I’d add anything actually. I loved how each day resonates deep within how it was kind and gentle and the feeling of not being alone on this journey is empowering. I looked forward to everyday, anxious to see if you’ve given “me” something to think about, review and sit with. Thank you!” —Diane
“Such a beautiful and enlightening experience- thank you for giving me this message of love and wisdom! I really enjoyed the meditations and the stories of these powerful goddesses. The questions opened my mind to a new way of seeing things.” —Alice
“The perfect step for those looking for guidance towards self love, guidance and acceptance of self. A must do! The content was inspiring and thoughtful, the Facebook circle was important and liberating, the pace was exactly the right thing.” —Isabelle Grou
“Very inspiring course, profound words of guidance and encouragement made me feel positive and loved!” —Alice
“I think this course is amazing for women who need to recognize their inner strength. The message was absolutely positive and very helpful. I felt the course touched my soul. It couldn’t have come at a better time in my life.” —T.F
“This course came to me at a time that I was struggling with myself. There were some codependent habits that I needed to shake and break, for my best and highest good. I’ve coupled this course with Ara’s Inner Priestess online course, finalising this 11 Master Year with some powerful medicine. I am honouring myself, my purpose, my truth. Ara’s words speak straight to your soul, with a wisdom from the ages in a millennial format.I would love to see what you create in 2019! I loved the emails and empowering quotes and words used within. I’ve used a few, and it kept me on my feet. I loved the meditations and audio guidance. It was so easy to turn on and tune in, especially while on the go.” —Ziz
“Highly beneficial, eye opener, apt, insightful, soulful, radical breakthrough. I loved the shadow work, exercise, ability to be raw, vulnerable and dive deep within. My favorite parts were the mantras, rituals, and tools for attracting love.” —Sheetal R Ahuja
“This course was very precious to me. I have been walking the path of the Goddess for a while, and I guess this already has changed my view on relationships. I have also been looking for a new partner for a while. And having all this bad programming in my mind of being not sexy or slim enough, of being to old or not beautiful enough is deep. Partly, it was confirmed by reactions by some men, yet in the end, it still is not true! As being a women in full bloom, in full self respect, we are not for the “faint hearted”. This knowledge was deepened in the course and it revealed even deeper secrets. Being worthy of a partner who will truly recognize us is our birthright, and this is the most beautiful thing to reclaim, to gain, to know. Love is our birth right and has not to be earned by looks or behaviour. Cause we are love in itself. Every woman should know. Please let’s spread the word. Thank you Ara. I feel so honoured to be part of this circle.The deep insights it gave me about myself and that it helped me to look deeper into problems I already have been aware of, yet not in that much detail. It was very precious for me what I learnt. Some healing took definitely place. And still does.
Sometimes I am reading through FB groups or talking to other women, and I wish they knew about that course. Sometimes it is difficult to tell them about it, because not every woman is capable of English language, and not every woman knows about the Goddess yet. I try to do my own part to bring more Goddess energy into the world. I hope we proceed in this healing working, as women, as priestesses.I would recommend this course wholeheartedly to every woman. And to every man.” —Beate Meiswinkel
“Thank you for this deep and powerful journey.” —J.G
“Nice course to go into depths about our own blockages and fears. It is more about working on our views of love and relationships and the work still has to be done going forward. I liked the fact that it incentivised me to spend more time reflecting on myself.” —Julia Knibbs