Natal Chart
& Report
A Natal chart or birth chart is a one-of-a-kind, detailed interpretation of the heavens at the date, time and place you were born. This powerful chart can unlock the hidden mysteries of your future, help you to understand yourself at a deeper level, bring wisdom to aspects of your life such as relationships or soul purpose, and help to heal the past with greater knowledge. Each unique natal chart includes around 25 pages or more of in depth analysis and detailed chart graphics based on your individual information.
*If time of birth is not known, you will receive a Natal Sunrise chart which is based on the time of sunrise on the day of your birth*
Natal Chart & Report $25.00 USD (Enter info after payment screen)

Chart & Report
A relationship chart is a one-of-a-kind interpretation of the relationship between two individuals. This composite chart represents the fusion of energy that two people create when they come together creating a unique reading. This approximately 30 page or more interpretation can outline strengths, challenges, issues, tendencies, depth of connection and much more between two people.
*If time of birth is not known, your chart will be based on the time of Sunrise at birth.*
Relationship Chart & Report $35.00 USD (Enter info after payment screen)

Chart & Report
The Compatibility Chart compares two peoples individual natal charts and examines the aspects and interaction between them. In this 30 plus page interpretation, aspects are examined to reveal the qualities of your connection, delving into possible issues, areas of synchronicity, places to pay attention, solutions in order to have a powerful union and much more.
*If time of birth is not known, your chart will be based on the time of Sunrise at birth.*
Compatibility Chart & Report $35.00 USD (Enter info after payment screen)

Relationship & Compatiblitly
Chart & Report
A relationship chart is a one-of-a-kind interpretation of the relationship between two individuals. This composite chart represents the fusion of energy that two people create when they come together creating a unique reading. This approximately 30 page or more interpretation can outline strengths, challenges, issues, tendencies, depth of connection and much more between two people.
The compatibility chart compares two peoples individual natal charts and examines the aspects and interaction between them. In this 30 plus page interpretation, aspects are examined to reveal the qualities of your connection, delving into possible issues, areas of synchronicity, places to pay attention, solutions in order to have a powerful union and much more.
*If time of birth is not known, your chart will be based on the time of Sunrise at birth.*
Relationship & Compatibility Chart & Report Bundle $60.00 USD (Enter info after payment screen)

Solar Return
Chart & Report
A Solar Return Chart and Report is a unique, personal, one of a kind interpretation that is based on when your Sun returns to the exact natal position in a given year. This powerful method for interpretation gives you the forecast for the upcoming year beginning from your birthday to the following birthday. Each unique Solar Return chart includes 25 pages or more of in depth analysis and detailed chart graphics based on your individual information.
*If time of birth is not known, you will receive a Natal Sunrise chart which is based on the time of sunrise on the day of your birth*
Solar Return Chart & Report $25.00 USD (Enter info after payment screen)

3 Month Personal Astrology
Chart & Report
Want to know what the stars have in store for you? These unique, one of a kind astrology reports and charts are based off your personal astrological data and begin on the date of your choice running for 3, 6 or 12 months to forecast what may be coming into your world. Get your personal astrology report and unravel the mystery unfolding before you. These powerful reports can support you on your path to achieving your desires and goals. Discover what is upcoming in your career, relationships and more!You will receive your customized 3 Month Personal Astrology Chart & Report within 3-5 days, with over 30 pages of information!
If time of birth is not known, you will receive a Sunrise chart which is based on the time of sunrise on the day of your birth.
After successful payment, you will be redirected to fill out your specific details in one of our forms.

6 Month Personal Astrology Chart
Chart & Report
Want to know what the stars have in store for you? These unique, one of a kind astrology reports and charts are based off your personal astrological data and begin on the date of your choice running for 3, 6 or 12 months to forecast what may be coming into your world. Get your personal astrology report and unravel the mystery unfolding before you. These powerful reports can support you on your path to achieving your desires and goals. Discover what is upcoming in your career, relationships and more! You will receive your customized 6 Month Personal Astrology Chart & Report within 3-5 days, with over 50 pages of information!
If time of birth is not known, you will receive a Sunrise chart which is based on the time of sunrise on the day of your birth.
After successful payment, you will be redirected to fill out your specific details in one of our forms.

12 Month Personal Astrology
Chart & Report
Want to know what the stars have in store for you? These unique, one of a kind astrology reports and charts are based off your personal astrological data and begin on the date of your choice running for 3, 6 or 12 months to forecast what may be coming into your world. Get your personal astrology report and unravel the mystery unfolding before you. These powerful reports can support you on your path to achieving your desires and goals. Discover what is upcoming in your career, relationships and more!You will receive your customized 12 Month Personal Astrology Chart & Report within 3-5 days, with over 90 pages of information!
If time of birth is not known, you will receive a Sunrise chart which is based on the time of sunrise on the day of your birth.
After successful payment, you will be redirected to fill out your specific details in one of our forms.

Charts created using licensed astrology software
“I never emailed you to thank you for my lovely solar return reading! It was my first time receiving a reading like this and…. wow. Couldn’t have been more spot on. I was, like, SCREAMING alone in my kitchen, ‘ASTROLOGY IS REAL!!!!!!!!’. So mind blowingly amazing! Thank you so much! You’ll definitely be hearing from me in the future.” —J
“This is drop dead amazing! Thank you, referring friends your way!” —D
“I found my chart to be widely insightful in regards to certain behaviours and parts of myself that I had felt separate from. Things I never understood in myself began to appear in the lines of the writing and my mind swam with images falling into place like pieces of a puzzle. I’m certain that each time I read it again I will learn something new. You’ve given me an important tool to use in building my relationship with myself. Thank you.” —S
“I absolutely love my natal chart. I honestly didn’t expect it to be so spot on but I’m learning a lot about myself reading it things I knew deep down but hadn’t fully accepted, good and not so good. Reading this again and again will really help me see and become my true self! It’s the confirmation I’ve been needing to help me move forward. Thank you so much!” —Tiffany
“I have always been curious about astrology but had never had an astrology chart made until now. I found my natal chart and report very thorough, and at the same time clear and easy to follow. It was easy to recognise my past and present tendencies in the descriptions and I felt it also captured by nature and main characteristics very faithfully.” —Velina
“I thought the chart was spot on. I haven’t had my chart done in probably close to 30 years, so it was refreshing to see it with new eyes. Thank you.” —Jacqueline Rae Brown
“Thank you Ara! It’s amazing how accurate the description is. It gives me a lot of inspiration.” —Monika
“So much insight! Extremely thorough and written in a language that’s easy to understand and apply. This analysis gave me so much more relevant information than other charts that I’ve tried. Thank you!” —Jamie
“I love it! Definitely confirmed a lot and gave me some insight on what more I could work on healing! Thank you, Ara. I wanted information and I got it.” —Lauren
“This was my first comprehensive natal chart reading and I was amazed by how accurate it was. It helped me to understand the aspects of my personality that may need some growth or nurturing. It also helped me understand reasons for personality conflicts I have experienced. I am more confident in who I am now. I embrace my “quirks” and “eccentricities” and see the value in them because of the nature of the planets in my chart. I am so grateful to Ara, and The Goddess Circle. I am excited to continue my journey. Way Surpassed my expectations!!” —Keeli
“It was beautiful!!! The chart is something I will frame. I knew that my moon, sun and ascendant signs were all air signs, and that I was a bit of a “floater” because of that, but seeing that 9 of my signs are air, and NONE of them are earth signs really made me understand that all the more! I really appreciate my chart!” —Rebecca
“It is amazing! I read most of it, there is a lot to absorb. I will be studying it further. It is so on point as to the person I am, the life I have been leading etc. I hope I can come to a deeper understanding of myself to have a more fulfilling future. I love your site, the words of wisdom in which you speak. I look forward to your posts and will absolutely be back for some of your other services! I love your etsy shop! Love the information about crystals and their uses. Hope to have something from you soon. Take care and thank you for sharing your amazing gifts! I think you’re amazing!” —Rebecca Stafford
“It is perfect. I had many questions as in why and how, but when I read the chart I understood how stars and planets play an important role. Also the pointers given as in how one can help themselves are also precise and helpful! Once you know why certain situations, behaviour, people are in your life now I am more keen on knowing how to correct it !!” —Dipti
“I am so satisfied with it. So much info that i am still digesting it. It clarifies so much of my past and present behavior that I now understand myself a whole lot better. It really is empowering to have this clarity. I feel that I am better equipped now to work on my strengths and weaknesses. Thank you so much.” —Nicola
“It was very accurate and inspiring; it helps so much to know yourself better and to have more knowledge how to life your life and reflect on it! Loving myself even more because of it, the light sides and also the dark sides of my personality.” —Martine Rouw
“I found it scarily accurate in many cases. There were things in my chart that even my closest friends have not noticed or commented on over many years. It was amazing. It is definitely something I am glad I did!