“You've got to learn to leave the table When love's no longer being served".” - Nina Simone


We teach people how to treat us.

This training takes place in our every interaction with those surrounding us; what boundaries we set (or don't), the things we deal with, the way they treat us and what we let go unsaid out of fear of reactions.

Pay attention to when and how people are showing up in your life. If they only ever contact you for one reason, chances are you're only in their life to fill that single serving need.

Pay attention to how they're reacting to what you say. Are they receiving it authentically? Or when you try to engage with them do they train you with silence to not ask anything of them in the future?

You need to ask yourself if this is what you truly want.

Find the lesson that lives at the core of the relationships, even if they are uncomfortable to look at seeing the truth of the situations that we find ourselves in offers deep insight. This is an amazing time for some deep cosmic Q & A on a really internal level which is shining a light on so many aspects of our life. This is a huge time for peeling back the layers and really seeing clarity with our retro-specs on.

With this extra light we can really see into the heart of why people are in our world. We see the possible patterns (only around when they need something), we see the unbalanced relations (on side giving more than the other), and we see the things that we no longer wish to put up with as we know on our path forward there is no place for that which drags our sacred energy into the ground like that.

This is a step in the direction of radical self love.

This is a place of embracing your worth and saying "dammit, no more." This is a place of releasing the blocks of those that really don't support and nourish so we can move deeper in our own flow. This is a place of acknowledging that you won't always be here. You have needs, wants and desires and your purpose on this planet is not to be at the beck and call of anyone.

You deserve to be loved, respected and valued.

I believe everyone is in our lives for a reason and to teach us something valuable. I think often the most uncomfortable things that happen can be a mirror to look deep within and fine tune the energy that we hold within to put us deeper into our truth and onto our authentic path.

You set the stage of how you will be receiving these guests onto the set of your life.

You make the rules, the boundaries and most importantly how you are treated. We can't control those around us but we can place ourselves in a powerful position of not letting in those that are merely fair weather beings. Why keep those around that don't want to dance in your light and your wild storms?

Choose those that see you in every facet of your magnificent being.

ara signature

~ Are you ready for connected, healthy soul unions? ~

My online Relationship Empowerment & Sacred Love Course is now available as an instant access online journey! Learn more here: https://thegoddesscircle.podia.com/resl


"People paint the picture of how they wish to show up in your life. If all you keep seeing is a blank, empty canvas, please know that you deserve a work of art and open your life to those with the willingness and presence to put brush to canvas." ~Ara


Photo Credit: Unknown

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C. Ara Campbell

C. Ara Campbell is a visionary writer, soul guide, cosmic channel, teacher, artist, empath, womb keeper and the founder of The Goddess Circle. She is dedicated to the awakening feminine, living embodied truth and aiding others in connecting with their medicine. She is an old soul that has been writing and channeling guidance from the unseen world since she was young, intuitively soul coaching and empowering using spiritual and natural energies.
