The divine feminine is the creative force that is within all things and all people, including the masculine. It is the nourishing, powerful, life-giving energy of love, compassion, of peace and of transformation.
It is a deep well of ancient knowing, with roots that stretch back through time itself.
It is a returning to the natural world the natural cycles and to the heartbeat of this planet. It is mirrored in the ebb and flow of the earth and is an honoring of these tides.
Connection to the feminine is tapping into a deep allowing, a big yes and a surrender into the wild magic and sacred mystery of the universe.
It's a trusting into our own natural rhythms, and our cycles.
As we embrace the divine feminine, we find an awakening to all the parts of ourselves that have remained hidden, a deeper connection to our feelings, our emotions, our pleasures, and our bodies.
The feminine is very much a guide to the deeper parts of ourselves and in connecting to her we open to the mysteries within; we open to the wild parts that we had been previously taught should remain closed.
The divine feminine to me is a sacred embodiment of personal authentic truth, a bare and raw look deep within at our own deep knowing, our magic and feminine wisdom. It's an allowing to the primal, wild raw parts of our nature and the flowing, calm and soothing energies as well.
It's an opening to all that we are without needing to define it. It's an allowing that each of us embodies Her in different and uniquely amazing ways and there is no one way to be the divine feminine, but an infinite amount of expressions.
When we tap into the feminine, one of her aspects is rebirth, and in this way we have deep power to move through our own transformation processes and heal our wounds. The feminine is deeply nourishing and nurturing and has the ability to transform.
The feminine force is one of connection, to ourselves and others. It's not a segregated energy but an inclusive one. It's not about hiding its about opening and revealing. It's a deep dive into the great mystery.
There are so many expressions of the divine feminine just like the faces that the goddess wears in mythology. She can be the life and grain giving Demeter or she can be world altering fiery Kali. The feminine is both fierce protector and care giving mother. She is a double-edged sword of creation and destruction.
The divine feminine isn't about fitting into the boxes that we have been taught that women need to be, its breaking the barriers on these and really flowing to the edges of our truthful authentic expression of all that we are.
We have limitless faces, goddesses and archetypes, and yet with the patriarchal chains we're told we can only be these certain labels. The feminine is about freedom it's about embracing the unfolding and being present with what occurs organically for us in this moment.
The reemergence of the divine feminine is also a benefit to the masculine. When we tap back into the mystery of the divine feminine and bring it back to a place of reverence, this opens a place of allowing within the masculine as well to explore their own inner wisdom and ancient knowing in a much deeper way.
We each of us has masculine and feminine within, each of us in different measure and expression. The re-connection to the feminine creates a portal for the masculine to be able to connect deeper with not only his feminine expression, but the masculine as well.
The patriarchal boxes that defined the feminine for thousands of years has also tainted the masculine. In this deeper allowing, they are able to dive deeper past the boxes that were created to fit them and to explore what it means for them to embody the masculine.
It is a homecoming for both men and for women. It's moving with the flow of a more creative and organic life, a more embodied and connected way of being. The masculine was born from the womb of the feminine so you can't have one without the other. We're interwoven and eternally connected, both within ourselves and externally.
The divine feminine is an opening to truth and authenticity for everyone. When the feminine is denied, its like denying life itself.
To plug back into the feminine is plugging back into the primal creative force of the universe.
The feminine returning to a place of reverence nourishes the whole planet.