I watched it fall in a torrent of frozen pellets and then snow; icy winds whipping around everything in it's path. I shivered and thought of the buds, the new blossoms bursting into being just as this cold front moved in.
They had just finally arrived; the heralds of Spring rearing their crowns above the leafy branches, their regal unveiling interrupted by a late season storm.
How I wish that they would have known it was going to storm, maybe they could have waited?
That's the thing about emerging and unfolding; you never know what kind of weather you're going to get when you start to blossom. And you can't go back once you start to unfold your petals.
You're committed to follow through in the elegant dance of the cosmos unfurling your truth, no matter what the wind blows your way.
Sometimes it's snow, sometimes it's sunshine. But the only way we're truly frozen, is if we never emerge at all.
Photo Credit: Ara

"You must be a lotus, unfolding it's petals when the sun rises in the sky, unaffected by the slush where it is born or even by the water which sustains it." ~Sai Baba