I've been quietly contemplating a lot lately in the way of how to bring my visions, my dreams of what I wish to teach into being.
I have these big, beautiful ideas that I've been gestating for the last few months and it's been moving me in a direction of my truth that gives me such joy. A bit of a different path than I would have originally thought, but hey where would we be without the surprises of the creative process?
I've been trying very hard all along to be allowing, which for me is still something I need to focus on. We're taught that we need to run after things, chase them down and kill them so to speak, when we want something.
Which of course, we do need to put effort in when we want something, but the balance is knowing how to be in that place of allowing and tapping into the infinite and hearing the whispers of the self and the universe when we are in the beginning stages.
If we are always running this way and that, how will we ever know if what we are doing is in alignment with our deepest truth? If we never stop to tap into ourselves, our thoughts and our heart beating, how will we know which direction is the one for us? How can we soften and open to our path if we don't stop and listen?
One of my teacher Chameli Ardagh calls the time of sitting and receiving the inspiration "carrot time" or "watching the trees". This is the pause between the breaths, the place of rest between projects or when we make changes in our world. A place of listening to the deep sighs of the earth and the drum beat of our hearts.
This is where I have been feeling drawn, into the deep well of inspiration and channeling the messages and wisdom on what to bring forth into being into this world in a way of alignment and balance of purpose, passion and truth.
Here it's more like snow-time, or watching the cold winds blow through the frozen trees. But it's the same thing. The process of being tapped into the energy of creation, allowing yourself to be open to divine inspiration and flowing in the path that moves you deeper in the direction of your truth. And as we move along the path, one thing and then another around us unfolds and evolves.
It's a transformative dance even if it appears to be one we preform standing completely still, much like the Spring stirring deep within the earth unseen. She may not show her movements yet, but what creations she brings forth when she does.
This is such a magical time, this powerful place of potential, this field of all possibility.
What a sacred space to be, in between the breaths, quietly watching trees.