"I am Aradia, the Avatar of the Moon
I incarnated as a woman and walk among you.
I have seen your poverty, your desperate lives,
Your need for love and food.
I shared your misery for a long lifetime,
And when I departed from your world,
I left my instructions about what you should do
When you need more advice and more power.
It was the Queen of the Moon who sent me,
Because there was so much pain and slavery among you.
Diana despises slavery as the death of the soul.
Freedom is the teaching she imparted to me,
And by me to you,
The freedom to live our lives according to her golden rule,
"Do as thou wilt and harm none."
This is the only rule you need.
I am Aradia, the first teacher and avatar.
Welcome to magic, my children, my witches.
Welcome to the Full Moon's light."
~Zsuzanna E. Budapest