It's always flowing.
Where we've come from, what we've seen, where we're going.
We can't have the path forward without the experiences of where we've been.
Where we get stuck is when we stay fixed on the current of the past.
If we keep our eyes on the waters that we've already passed over,
We won't know how to steer the ship going forward.
We get distracted from the compass we hold in our hearts that guide us onward.
We believe that the seas need to look the same or we can't fathom a way off this trajectory.
From this place of not being able to open to the waters ahead, we cling.
When we clutch too tightly to the shore, we can't enjoy the ride along the waves.
We can't see all that is expanding on the waters ahead.
We need to let go of the shore and trust in what is coming.
We need to trust in our compasses, our navigational abilities and the possibility on the horizon.