There came a time when you put it all out there.
When you sacrificed the masks and just sort of let it all hang out for the world to see and said it didn't matter anymore who saw you.
And if everyone runs, it's less people to write Christmas cards to.
You reach a point where the truthful embodiment of yourself is more important than anything else.
To thy own self be true.
This can be a lonely place.
When you're wearing the robes of the black sheep, it can be hard at times not to let loneliness get to you.
Sometimes it can make doubt rise inside of you. It can lead you to question very move, every breath and every heartbeat on this road that has led you to stand exactly where you are.
But there is deep wisdom here on the edge of the unknown.
There is a treasure that is found in the catacombs of loneliness, a concealed jewel that offers eternal promise. There at the center of all that you are lying in the heart of darkness it has the potential to offer you everything that you could ever want.
If you crack it open and exhume the shining jewel inside, you see the value. You see the truth at last.
Once you dust it off on your shirt and see the shine, everything makes sense.
This once buried wonder offers us the key to everything that we are, all the gifts and medicine that is hidden within our spirit.
Here in the silence of the world it lies, bathed in shadow and silenced to all ears but you.
And you really need to sit and listen. Which is why you're alone. Can you imagine trying to discover the truth of all that was you in a loud screaming room? Every voice around you competing for the stage?
The longing of loneliness is the birthing chamber for the light of your true self, all of the old falling away what doesn't fit. This nest of desire deep within is a transformational catalyst that rises like the Phoenix once everything else has fallen away.
This is a place of divine alchemy.
Some moments of lonely clarity last a moment, some last for what seems like eternity. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel; and that light is you, your path and your deepest truth.
The gift of loneliness is one that is afforded to us in order to gain clarity and deep insight. It slows us down and makes us take a good look at the way things are in order for us to choose to rebirth them the way we want them to be, in alignment with our truth and desires.

“I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you.” ― Frida Kahlo