Connecting with our Goddess energy is one of the most powerful things that we can do.

When we honor the sacred feminine inside of us and unleash the Goddess within, we tap into an abundant energy of ancient wisdom, transformation, possibility and open a divine channel to our medicine.

Here are 11 ways to get you started on the path to reclaiming your divine feminine fire.

1) Honor your truth

One of the most important things we can do on our paths to reigniting our feminine fire is reclaiming our truth. Throughout our lives, we are taught that we need to remain compressed, silent and ignore what is present for us. This is past conditioning and it has been very damaging to women. One of the best ways to unleash the Goddess within is to honor your truth. Listen to your needs. Connect with your desires. Speak your truth. Take the time you require to do the things that call to you. When we begin to open a channel of communication with our truth, we are tapping directly into our inner Goddess energy.

2) Listen to your heart

Our feelings are powerful portals of information. These guiding compasses tell us in every moment how we feel on people, situations, or our environment. In the past women have been told that they are too emotional and as a result we have locked ourselves away from our feelings. On the path of unleashing our inner Goddess, we need to open ourselves to how we feel and honor these brilliant medicine. Listen to what your heart is telling you and honor this deep wisdom.


3) Value your time

As busy women, our time is in high demand. We need to reclaim proper boundaries in order to make sure that our time is not being wasted or diminished where it doesn't serve our highest good. This can include one-sides relationships, situations that are draining, or paths that aren't in alignment with our deepest calling. When we begin to recognize our time as precious and valuable, we are opening the door to our worthiness and our Goddess within.

4) Love your body

The feminine form in all her shapes and sizes is a natural wonder. We have been taught through past conditioning to think our sacred temples need to be something other than what they are in order to be celebrated. The divine comes in every incarnation and we need to celebrate the variety of our bodies. Worship your Goddess form exactly as it is in this moment. Shower your temple with praise, love and compassion.

5) Create sacred space

Every Goddess deserves to be surrounded by sacred space that is clear of stagnant energy. Clear away clutter, get rid of old unused items and clothing, and put things back where they belong. Take the time to paint or hang tapestries that call to you. Place items in your sacred space that call to you and where you are on your journey. Turn your surroundings into a sanctuary that will nourish your path and clear the pathway between you and your inner Goddess.

6) Create sacred rituals in your life

Rituals are powerful ways of connecting with transformative energies. They slow us down and bring presence and sacredness to our actions. You can do practices during the New Moon to set intentions in your life. You can create an offering practice of gratitude and gift flowers, plants or seeds in thanks to the Earth. You can create a simple meditation or yoga ritual where you light a candle, put on some music and root yourself in your practice. The Goddess within loves connecting with us in sacred ritual and through these practices we dive deeper into her seas.

7) Connection with Mother Earth

One of the quickest and easiest ways we can connect with Goddess energy is to tap into Earth energy. We can spend time in nature walking her paths or communing with her birds and animals, stand barefoot on her soil, meditate under a tree or plant a garden. You can also bring Earth energy indoor with potted plants, essential oils and crystals. Connection with Mother Earth is grounding and can help us be more centered and focused. It can also bring us peace, balance and calm.

8) Honoring the cycles

The Goddess is ever changing through the cycles of the planet and through our own natural transformation. All that we are and all that surrounds us is sacred alchemy, ever waxing and waning. We can connect deeper with the Goddess within by honoring these powerful cycles. Take some time to bring awareness and honor the passing of the seasons. Be present and celebrate the changes in your body or the changes that occur on your path.

9) Open to receive

So many of us have a hard time with receiving. We are powerful givers with wide open hearts, but can have aversion to opening up and getting back what we give because we don't feel worthy. When we clear away the masks that were taught to us in regards to our worthiness, we are able to open wide and receive. We are worthy of receiving praise, compliments and acknowledgement. We are brilliant, talented beings that were born worthy. When we open to receive, we open to all the abundance the Goddess can flow into our lives.

10) Honor your dreams

Our dreams are powerful indications of our desires. We are here to manifest amazing possibilities and our dreams and desires are compasses that can point us in the directions that we need to go. Pay attention to the desires that are calling to you. Be present with the dreams that want you to follow. When we honor the truth of our dreams, we give ourselves permission to live our lives the way we want which is a potent way of opening to our Goddess fire.

11) Be present

Take the time to slow down and enjoy more. Savor the delicious experiences that life brings to you. Enjoy the moments you have with those you love or doing what is sacred to your heart. Take more time to nourish yourself. Relish every bite of cake or sip of tea. Rooting ourselves in the present moment and enjoying the simple pleasures is a powerful way of tapping deeply into Goddess energy.

Reclaim your fire and ignite your sacred purpose here with me during my Inner Priestess Awakening Online Journey, which is now available as an instant access online journey. Learn more here: Inner Priestess Awakening Online Journey

Ara's Signature

~Do you hear the Call of the Priestess?~

Join my online circle and reclaim your truth, purpose, and medicine. Learn more about my Inner Priestess Awakening online journey, now available as an instant access online journey, here:

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C. Ara Campbell

C. Ara Campbell is a visionary writer, soul guide, cosmic channel, teacher, artist, empath, womb keeper and the founder of The Goddess Circle. She is dedicated to the awakening feminine, living embodied truth and aiding others in connecting with their medicine. She is an old soul that has been writing and channeling guidance from the unseen world since she was young, intuitively soul coaching and empowering using spiritual and natural energies.
