The New Moon is a time of beginnings.
It is a time of embracing new projects, ideas, plans, thoughts, relationships and the changes we wish to invite into our lives. It is a time of seeding intentions and of opening to the new possibilities that are brought by another lunar cycle.
The New Moon offers us a time of hope, a time of faith and renewal of our commitments. It brings us a fertile place to start fresh and to remind us that no matter what there is always rebirth waiting on the horizon.
It reminds us also to check in with ourselves and to let go of what is no longer in alignment with our path, our purpose and our dreams. It tells us that in order for us to bring all that we want into being, we need to clear away what is no longer serving us and make room for what is to flow into our lives.
Check the local time of the New Moon in your area here:
Here are some practices that can be used during the New Moon either separately or all together to create a powerful ritual.
Releasing and clearing are powerful practices to employ during the New Moon. This removes any built up negativity that has accumulated and cleanses the environment and the self for what we are going to have flowing into our lives in the next cycle.
Here is a simple clearing blessing which can be used with any type of sacred smoke or cleansing method including cedar, sweet grass, sage or herb smoke, oil sprays, or salt. You can apply this to your room, outdoors, or yourself.
Write down all of your wishes, dreams, intentions, and desires. Be as specific as you can.
Read your list aloud. You can go outside beneath the sky or you can light a candle inside in offering.
Give thanks to the Universe and the Goddess (or your chosen dedication) for hearing your truth.
Read as often as you are called until the Full Moon and then release the energy in sacred fire trusting in it coming into your life.
You can do this practice with each New Moon. Some people choose to journal them and keep the instead of burning them. Do the practice whichever way you are called.
* Set New Moon intentions in your New Moon Journal
* Run a sacred bath
* Add salts, essential oils, herbs or flower petals
* Create sacred altar space with candles, crystals or statues
* Enter the bath and visualize a renewal of your energy
* You can draw even more nourishing energy with an affirmation:
"I am renewed with this New Moon. I am replenished. I am open to new beginnings."
The New Moon brings us the energy of beginnings and is a cosmic refresher. It is a time to leave the past behind and immerse yourself in the energy of rebirth. Open yourself to abundance and possibility unfolding in your life.
This is a powerful and potent simple ritual for manifesting abundance and prosperity to your life using the energy of the New Moon each month.
New Moon checks are created within 24 hours after the New Moon each month. This harnesses the creative potential that occurs during this powerful time when we seed what we desire into the Universe.
Complete Ritual here: New Moon Prosperity & Abundance Checks
As we open to the possibility of what is coming into our lives, this is a good time to offer thanks for all that has come in the last cycle. You can offer thanks to the Universe, to the deities or guides you work with, to your spirit animals, or anyone you want to give a special thanks to during this powerful time.
You can leave out an offering of your choosing somewhere outside like a piece of bread, some flowers, a crystal and say a few words of thanks such as:
"I give thanks with open arms
For all that there has been
I open still for all that flows
And comes from the unseen."
New Moon affirmations are potent phrases of intent which you can use to anchor your work during the New Moon. You can say them as a blessing, during your intentions, while you are giving thanks or just on their own as a little mini ritual.
You can light a candle before you say them and then speak the ones that resonate with you or you can create your own as you are called. Some people choose to write them down and then burn them when they are finished, some people keep them in a sacred spot like an altar or vision board in reminder and to strengthen their intent and so they can repeat them when they need to reaffirm.
"I am reborn with this New Moon"
"I embrace the new beginnings opening to me this New Moon"
"I am open to the unfolding path and synchronicity that flow into my world"
"I let go of what is no longer serving me and open to what is"
"I am open to receive"
"I am wholly rooted in my truth"
Whatever you decide to do during the New Moon, know that this is a time of cosmic reset and rebirth.
Take the time you need to rest, replenish, go within, rework your goals, dream your dreams for the future and tap into the hope that anything is possible.
New Moon Blessings,

Dive deeper into the mystery that is written in the stars and the magick of the New Moon with my monthly Astro Forecast Publication. Connect daily with the Astrological energy that is flowing here: Astro Forecast Publication
Photo credit: lrargerich via