Sometimes in our lives we can feel lost.
As shifts in our world occur, it can leave us in a place of not knowing where we belong or what to do next.
We can feel uncertain. Anxious. Insecure.
We get bombarded by suggestions of "What would you do if you have a million dollars" and "If you were going to die next month what would you like to do?"
Sometimes this is just too much.
What the heck are we supposed to do when we don't know what to do? How can we get rid of the pressure of making a decision?
Start simple.
There is no one right answer when you feel lost.
Usually when we feel confused, we don't know what to take as a next step. We can feel like our compasses are broken.
This is a good place to make a simple choice, something that is huge can be overwhelming.
Stressed out? Maybe a trip to the spa or the beach is a good idea.
Need to laugh? Set a date with that friend that makes you bust a gut.
Have some vacation time starting to build? Take a few days somewhere just for yourself if you can.
The important thing is to not let it overwhelm you. A good first step is to gently ease into a direction of clearing away the accumulated tension by doing something pleasing.
Let go of the next forever.
We've been conditioned to plan everything down to the wire before we do anything. We think that everything that we do needs to be our new forever. We think we have to stay attached to the old versions of who or what we think we need to be.
The reality is that everything is always changing. Even when we think it isn't it is.
We change. What we want changes. What the people in our lives want changes.
We build foundations on quick sand all the time.
This isn't meant to make you panic. Just remember that there are cycles to everything and nothing stays the same so don't worry about needing to make the next thing you do your new forever.
It doesn't have to be about anything.
Let go of it needing to be about dream jobs or soulmates. Sometimes just a new perspective is needed.
We can get paralyzed by the pressure of thinking that the next step has to be something huge like moving to a new country or finding a big dream job or perfect relationship.
Sometimes a the most powerful change is a small, selfish one that has nothing to do with anything other than taking some much needed time out for yourself.
Life is made up of moments. Sometimes it's not about huge things but the tiny ones stitched together to make up an amazing ride.
Surround yourself with the dreamers.
When we surround ourselves with the ability to imagine a better world for themselves, that fuels our own resolve to follow our dreams. When we surround ourselves with the naysayers, we think nothing is possible.
Seek out your tribe.
If they're not near you, we have the ability to connect worldwide so there is no reason not to find those that resonate with your truth. When you start being yourself more, you're able to really tap into what you really want. Plus you have a really good support network (and travel buddies!)
Reaching out also ensures that we don't get too caught up in our own heads obsessing about what we should or shouldn't do. So make sure you tap into your support network.
Try something small somewhere new.
Lots of times we outgrow the areas in which we live. We've done the things that appeal to us and now we crave more.
Take a step into a new place and try something new.
This can be as simple as the next town over to take a class or another city for a course or retreat.
It doesn't have to be what you want to do with the rest of your life, something you think you might enjoy can be enough. Just stepping out of the box in order to try anything you want is a good thing.
It's up to us.
The reality is this is your life. And it's up to you to live it.
It you're waiting for permission, a travel partner, the perfect time or a sign it may not happen.
I don't want to bum you out, but it falls to us to make the shifts that lead to our own happiness.
We are conditioned to try to make everything perfect before we make the jump but sometimes we just need to do it.
See how far you've come.
Sometimes we can lose sight of how powerful we are in our own lives and how far we've gone. Take some time to really celebrate how far you've come on your own merit and talent.
When we start to feel like we can't or haven't done anything, we start to really lose sight of how powerful we truly are.
When we take the time to look back and see where we've come from we can reconnect with our own ability.
Sometimes we find the greatest clarity in the moments when we are in the darkness and feel completely lost.
So take a breath, know that all is not lost and the best is yet to come.
And never forget that life is a journey not a destination.