"You've got a heart as loud as lions So why let your voice be tamed?"
~Emeli Sande
Last weekend I attended a Durga focused intensive high in the mountains near Boulder.
Working deep with this powerful Goddess eyes opening and potent. Her name means "inaccessible" a testament to this fiery form of Shakti energy that sits atop a lion or tiger refusing to be bent to the will of those that oppose her truth.
Durga is a very powerful Goddess. Her power is centered in her presence and her ability to stay grounded, centered and focused. She is a slayer of demons that the other Gods could not destroy and is a Goddess to work with when we are needing strength and courage. She has a very ferocious protective energy, and is deeply devoted to truth.
She is the one to draw on for aid when we are wanting a little extra boost when we are afraid in standing in our unique power. She brings us an energy of focused fire in the direction of what it is we are wanting to express. She invites us to relax into our power and helps us when we are giving away our power.
She asks us to stay rooted in the truth of situations, she asks that we stay conscious to our own hearts and to stay present. She brings us into focus to delve deeply into our own inner power so we can ride our lion into our own battles.
She urges us to tap into our own inner medicine and to give voice to our own roar.

Dive deeper into the mystery and magick of the Goddess Durga in my new book Dark Goddess Magick. You can find my book wherever books are sold or order here: Dark Goddess Magick Book Order
Photo Credit: Ara @The Goddess Circle
Goddess Durga! O My mother! you, the invincible power! you are strength of deities you destroy all the fear.
Goddess Durga! O My mother! you, the mother of universe, It's you who takes care of it and removes glooms of hearts.
Goddess Durga! O My mother! universe is just your fraction, You are the absolute of creation, operation, destruction.
Goddess Durga! O My mother! without you life is no meaning, Whoever remembers you you arrive for their wellbeing.
Goddess Durga! O My mother! we're thankful what you given; Keep away troubles and pains, let your kindness be remain.
Goddess Durga! O My mother! be kind to accept our prayers, Let always be your compassion for blissful living of your creatures.
Goddess Durga! O My mother! let your world always be radiant, Stay to protect everyone everywhere and every moment.