I heard a song deep within the core of me, the lyrics spoken in a tongue long since past from this world, and yet I understood.
I knew. Even without the translation I felt it in my soul.
This was the song of the Ancients, the path of the Shamanic Priestess, the Healers of the Earth, the Warriors of the Divine Feminine.
It did not need words to be heard; it was alive in me and singing in my veins.
It was singing in my sisters, in our mothers, and in the very Earth itself. I could feel her.
This was the song of the Feminine; wild, free, raw and deep. This was the divine flow.

~Inner Priestess Awakening Online Journey~
Join my online circle and reclaim your truth, purpose, and medicine. Learn more about my Inner Priestess Awakening online journey, now available as an instant access online journey, here: https://thegoddesscircle.podia.com/ipa
Photo: NastiyaUdaltsova