"The Raven spoke to me: "Wings are a powerful medicine, to soar the skies and detach from what no longer serves me on the earth below, to dance with the winds and sing with the trees.
There are no chains only freedom.
You humans have the same powers, the same wings hidden within you; and I always wondered why you do not use them more to soar above that which holds you down." ~Ara
Ravens are very magical messengers.
They carry very potent magic for turning thought/intention into reality, and are very powerful allies in this change of the season into the Solstice as we plant the seeds of our intentions during this dark time.
They also signify change in consciousness, perception and is a shape-shifter, has the ability to heal from long distance.
Some believe when you pray/ask for healing/light it is Raven that shows itself as a sign of it coming.
I've noticed they seem to pop up when there is something we need to hear/listen to, just as a large one has been making it's presence known very prominently over the last few days in my world.
I am listening, dark winged messenger.
I hear your call.

Photo credit: h.koppdelaney via Foter.com